Leadership, client budgets, and cybersecurity: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from December 8, 2020

In the December 2020 episode of Agency Office Hours, we discuss agency strategy, business development, and more.

  1. LEADERSHIP: Can an agency grow if the owner keeps doing client strategy? (starting at 2:30)
  2. AGENCY ROLES: What team roles should change as we grow? (starting at 6:24)
  3. CLIENT BUDGETS: What should we budget for PM & client communications? (starting at 16:27)
  4. PM OUTSOURCING: Should agencies hire a freelance PM? (starting at 20:29)
  5. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: What should we say when prospects ask, “What do I get for that price?” (starting at 34:34)
  6. MANAGING EXPECTATIONS: What should we do if clients blame us for their own mistakes? (starting at 40:10)
  7. CYBERSECURITY: Do we need special insurance in case we get hacked? (starting at 51:17)

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Be intentional about your services, via Karl’s “Think-Teach-Do” agency services model.
  2. How to delegate being the day-to-day contact (while you still handle high-level client strategy).
  3. Charge more via value-anchoring… and sidestep some of the laundry-list sales conversation.
  4. Insurance options to consider.
  5. Enabling 2-step verification for Google Ads.

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