Grow your new business pipeline, attract leads, and reduce client churn: Agency Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from July 9, 2024

Get agency advice on agency lead-gen (via guest expert Jody Sutter), growing your new business pipeline, and reducing client churn—in the July 2024 episode of Agency Office Hours with Karl Sakas. To “jump” to a specific Q&A segment, click the timecode links below.

First, Karl spoke with guest expert Jody Sutter, on how knowing your sales ‘type’ helps your agency get better clients.

  • Your Sales Type: “What are the 4 sales personalities, and what are their strengths?” [starting at 2:11]
  • New Business: “How does knowing your sales ‘type’ help your agency get better clients?” [starting at 10:33]
  • Founder-Led Sales: “What should agencies consider for founder-led sales?” [starting at 11:17]
  • Tire Kickers: “How can we eliminate poor-fit prospects during sales?” [starting at 13:29]
  • Website: “How can our homepage attract our ideal client?” [starting at 14:51]
  • Next Steps: “What next-step tips apply to each sales type?” [starting at 19:31]

Then, Karl discussed his “Diversify Your Lead-Gen” workshop, which runs July 10-24. Tickets are still available, including to join on-demand.

Finally, he answered questions from two agency leaders—on attracting qualified prospects and reducing client churn.

  • Prospects: “How do I attract qualified buyers from my target market?” [starting at 30:05]
  • Client Retention: “What are some strategies to reduce client churn?” [starting at 41:07]

Top Resources From the Live Event:

  1. Jody’s New Business Strengths Quiz
  2. How to delegate sales as an agency owner: ‘Chunk’ out the sales role, to reduce your risk
  3. Better leads and a shorter sales cycle: Fix your agency’s homepage fast
  4. Here’s the Bain concept that Jody mentioned
  5. Increase your profits with the right agency business model: Think, Teach, Do 

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Don’t have a specific question? That’s OK; most people join in “listen only” mode—you don’t have to be on video.  

We offer Agency Office Hours the second Tuesday of every month!