Better leads and a shorter sales cycle: Fix your agency’s homepage fast

Better leads and a shorter sales cycle: Fix your agency's homepage fast
Written by: Karl Sakas

Are you dealing with the same sales objections over and over again? Here’s a quick way to shorten the sales cycle at your agency: Ensure your homepage addresses your prospects’ top 3 questions.

Why? The goal is to pre-answer those questions, so you can pre-qualify your leads and focus on moving them through your sales process.

Check Google Analytics. How much traffic enters your site on the homepage? Certainly not all, but likely 30-50%. See what other pages are hot—get those objection-clearers there, too.

Don’t Waste Your Leads!

If you hate cold-calling as much as I do, don’t waste the leads you’ve got—make the most of each one. That includes doing “fast failure” on ones that aren’t a match, and it includes moving qualified people through the process as smoothly as possible.

One way to speed things up is to pre-answer people’s top questions.

As Devin Kelley and Jake Finkelstein recently shared at a AMA Triangle workshop hosted at Method Savvy, pay attention to the top 3 questions you and your team get during the phone or in-person portion of the sales process.

If you add info to your website—to the homepage, FAQ, services pages, and elsewhere—and can pre-answer those questions, you’ve moved people further down your sales funnel before your sales call. This lets you conserve sales time to focus on your most-qualified leads.

And of course, you can provide this service to your agency’s clients, too.

Case Study: Better Leads by Pre-Addressing the Top 3 Sales Objections

Devin shared a case study about helping a Method Savvy client that sold a B2B SaaS accounting product. The agency worked with their client’s sales team to understand the top three objections the sales team was hearing. Those objections were:

  1. Turnaround: “We think it takes too long to implement your system.”
  2. Knowledge: “Accounting dragged us into this; we don’t know anything about the problem this is supposed to solve.”
  3. Integration: “We don’t think you can integrate with our current accounting system.”

Method Savvy updated the client’s homepage to overcome those three objections:

  1. We’re fast: Get up and running in 45 days (compared to competitors requiring up to 2 years to migrate).
  2. We’ll teach you: Get up to speed on the basics of this aspect of accounting, so you’re not in the dark.
  3. Yes, we integrate: We integrate off-the-shelf with 40+ accounting packages, so it’ll be easy.

Now, their client gets better leads through the website—and the leads tend to be further down the sales process than before. The client’s sales team is wasting less time trying to close unqualified leads.

Applying This at Your Agency

Think about your agency’s sales process. What are the three objections you and your team hear most often? How can you simply address those on your homepage—and elsewhere on your website—in language and images that resonate with your prospects?

Make a plan to implement this change. Can you get something online in the next month? Remember, people are on your site—don’t waste the opportunity.

Measure your progress. Three months from now, are you still getting the same top 3 objections, or has one of the original three fallen off the list now that you’re better pre-addressing them? Are you starting to see shorter sales cycles?

Take things up a level by adding the objection-overcoming info elsewhere on the site. Use Google Analytics to inform that—where else are people entering your site? How can you better-meet prospects’ needs?

Question: What simple change will you make to your website to create a shorter sales cycle?

Agency Navigator Script Doc (Sakas & Company)

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