Revenue plateaus, budgets, and USP: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from July 14, 2020

In the July 2020 episode of Agency Office Hours, we discuss escaping revenue plateaus, getting budgets from squirrelly prospective clients, finding a USP to position your agency as unique, and more.

BONUS: See the Zoom chat transcript and “jump” links to nine specific Q&A segments in the video.

Sign up for future Office Hours events with Karl Sakas, to get advice to help your agency grow and thrive.

Top resources from live event:

1. Improve your agency quality of life? Reduce your day-to-day involvement!
2. Get bigger clients at your agency by looking in the right place!
3. Digital marketing agency pricing: 3 models to choose from.
4. Sales pre-qualification secret: Send a survey before the call.
5. Avoid terrible hires: 3 magic questions to ask in agency recruiting


Join us for our next LIVE Agency Office Hours

Want free advice to grow your agency? Ask a question when you RSVP and I’ll choose 3-4 agency leaders to receive 10-15 minutes of free consulting advice. 

Don’t have a specific question? That’s OK; most people join in “listen only” mode—you don’t have to be on video.  

We offer Agency Office Hours the second Tuesday of every month!