Biz Dev, team incentives, and employee retention: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from January 11, 2022

Get agency advice on business development, scaling, profitability, and more in the January 2022 episode of Agency Office Hours with Karl Sakas. Click the link below to “jump” directly to the Q&A segment:

  1. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: How can we delegate the new business process beyond the agency owner? [starting at 4:20]
  2. PROSPECT QUALIFICATION: How should we qualify sales prospects that we meet at events? [starting at 7:33]
  3. CONTRACTORS: How many freelancers should you have for each worktype? [starting at 17:22]
  4. TEAM INCENTIVES: How can we use KPIs and reporting to ensure our team is following the right priorities? [starting at 30:16]
  5. BILLABLES: What are some “early warning” signs that an employee won’t hit their billable targets? [starting at 35:25]
  6. EMPLOYEE RETENTION: As we hire new people, how can we show long-time employees that we still value them? [starting at 40:46]
  7. GROWTH PATHS: How do we help employees grow within the agency? [starting at 45:50]
  8. EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: How can we measure employee engagement? [starting at 53:11]

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Consider the steps in your sales process, including which could be handled by someone else.
  2. Be sure you build a strong “stable” of freelancers.
  3. Most agencies track the wrong KPIs. Are you?
  4. Worried you’ll lose your best employees? 11 Ways to Reduce Employee Poaching.
  5. Working at a smaller agency is a benefit for the right job candidates.

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We offer Agency Office Hours the second Tuesday of every month!