Optimize your lead-gen offer, grow your pipeline, fix your proposals: Agency Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from June 11, 2024

Get agency advice on optimizing your agency’s lead-gen offer (via guest expert Chris DuBois), growing your new business pipeline, and fixing your sales proposals—in the June 2024 episode of Agency Office Hours with Karl Sakas. To “jump” to a specific Q&A segment, click the timecode links below.

Get the lowest price available on the “Diversify Your Agency Lead-Gen Strategy” workshop

First, I spoke with guest expert Chris DuBois—on how agencies should craft their lead-gen ‘offer’ for potential clients.

  • Client Offers: “What makes for the ‘ideal’ lead-gen opt-in offer?” [starting at 4:09]
  • Lead-Gen: “How do you quickly launch an offer that gets leads?” [starting at 5:36]
  • Testing: “How can we ‘test’ demand for a potential lead-gen offer?” [starting at 18:48]
  • Demonstration: Chris walks through a landing page and ‘thank you’ page he’s testing. [starting at 23:37]
  • Sales: “How do we encourage the ‘right’ people to book sales calls?” [starting at 29:05]
  • Referrals: “How can we grow our lead-gen strategy beyond passive referrals?” [starting at 30:46] // brought to you by my “Diversify Your Lead-Gen” workshop

Then, I answered questions from agency owners in California and Massachusetts—including how to improve pipelines and how to deliver proposals to prospective clients.

  • Current Economy: “How are agencies doing in 2024, after a tough 2023?” [starting at 35:53]
  • Pipeline Growth: “How can we get more clients, if our previous lead-gen has slowed?” [starting at 37:12]
  • Proposal Delivery: “Should we email proposals, or ‘present’ them on a live call?” [starting at 46:37]
  • Prospects: “How can we avoid client ‘swoop & poop’ during the business development process?” [starting at 47:55]

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Not doing that thing? You need Desire, Competence, and Capacity.
  2. Agency optimization: Understand the six Agency Roles (and their billable targets)
  3. Here’s the sample link Chris shared: https://snapoffersystem.com/
  4. [Agency Guide] Step-by-step advice to create a “Fast-Failure” Sales Process 
  5. You can afford to be pickier about clients, when you attract more (and better) leads

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