Account Management, training, and productivity: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from November 10, 2020

In the November 2020 episode of Agency Office Hours, we discuss account management, team training, leadership, and more.

Click to jump to specific segments:

  1. ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT, including setting boundaries with clients and delegating support requests (2:37)
  2. EXPECTATIONS MANAGEMENT, including why not to tell clients something is “easy”… and what to say instead (14:02)
  3. TRAINING YOUR TEAM, including how to ensure it doesn’t take over their manager’s schedule (14:44)
  4. EMPLOYEE ONBOARDING, including why to create a new-hire ramp-up plan (21:42)
  5. LEADERSHIP, including how to help agency CEOs stop getting in their own way (31:40)
  6. PRODUCTIVITY, including why you need Desire, Competence, AND Capacity (42:31)
  7. CLIENT STRATEGY, including client executives who don’t listen to your agency’s advice (43:21)

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Decide which clients to grow vs. fire with my free “client rankings matrix” template.
  2. Need to fire a client? Here’s how.
  3. Get clear on their new-hire ramp-up plan (and you can use this for current employees, too).
  4. Check out the Bureau of Digital for great agency training, including events for owners, PMs, operations leaders, and more.
  5. Get clear on “Swim Lanes” (who’s in charge of what… and who’s NOT in charge).

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We offer Agency Office Hours the second Tuesday of every month!