Operations, prof dev, and delegation: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from April 13, 2021

We discuss growth strategy, bizdev, team structure, and more in the April 2021 episode of Agency Office Hours with Karl Sakas. Click below to “jump” to a specific segment:

  1. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Can we scale without a full-time salesperson? [starting at 1:50]
  2. CONTENT MARKETING: How can we create high-quality content in less time? [starting at 3:45]
  3. GROWTH STRATEGY: When should we choose to slow-down our sales? [starting at 5:09]
  4. HIRING: Should we hire ahead of demand, or wait to close the new business first? [starting at 12:44]
  5. OPERATIONS: When should our agency hire an Operations Manager? [starting at 16:49]
  6. TEAM STRUCTURE: How do we structure a Director of Client Services role to oversee account management, project management, and client strategy [starting at 20:11]
  7. PRODUCTIVITY: Where should we troubleshoot if employees aren’t getting things done? [starting at 32:03]
  8. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Should managers be responsible for training their direct reports? [starting at 34:18]
  9. BILLABLES: Why do agency leaders and managers have lower targets for billable hours? [starting at 35:34]
  10. DELEGATION: How can we get better results when we assign a task to an employee for the first time? [starting at 38:14]
  11. PRE-MEETINGS: Why the much-maligned “meeting before the meeting” is actually a smart idea. [starting at 43:05]
  12. TEAM MANAGEMENT: What should we do if a team member feels overloaded… but it’s not clear why? [starting at 45:10]
  13. ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT: What should we do when clients are disorganized or unresponsive? [starting at 47:24]
  14. STRATEGY-FIRST: What should we do when clients micromanage our strategy work? [starting at 49:57]

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Check whether you lean toward Lifestyle (moderate growth) or toward Equity (high growth) on Karl’s agency Growth Style continuum.
  2. Hitting a bottleneck around Client Onboarding? Check out Karl’s on-demand training on the topic, for tips on how to fix things.
  3. Are the leaders creating *excessive* continuous improvement?
  4. No more Content Delays: 7 ways to finally fix the problem.
  5. How to reposition yourself as a “strategy-first” agency.

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