Positioning, biz dev, and team engagement: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from October 13, 2020

In the October 2020 episode of Agency Office Hours, we discuss agency positioning, bizdev, account management, and team engagement, and more.

Click to jump to specific segments:

  1. POSITIONING, including how to get clients to ask important strategic questions (1:47)
  2. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, including how clients find small agencies (10:20)
  3. ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT, including the value of Client Services (28:50)
  4. TEAM ENGAGEMENT, including how to keep things fresh for long-term clients (41:02)

Top resources from live event:

  1. Move up the 5 strategy tiers (if you choose) to be seen as more valuable.
  2. Positioning yourself as a “strategy-first” agency.
  3. Understand what your clients care about.
  4. How AM fits into the six Agency Role categories.
  5. See page 45 of “Made to Lead” for how Nancy created a memorable experience (and upsold a second dessert to one customer).

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We offer Agency Office Hours the second Tuesday of every month!