Pricing, accountability, and retainers: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from September 8, 2020

In the September 2020 episode of Agency Office Hours, we discuss agency pricing, squirrelly clients, team accountability, and more!

Click to jump to specific segments:

  1. PRICING, including best practices in pricing, pricing automation, pricing models, custom vs. productized services, scoping, and paid discovery (0:43)
  2. RETAINERS, including how to persuade project-based clients to sign a retainer, using “Reason-Options-Choose” to negotiate with clients (16:49)
  3. ACCOUNTABILITY, including how to ensure you’re running a meritocracy, the power of precedents, Ray Dalio, software QA, KPIs to use, and the power of having a strong mission (24:51)
  4. ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT, including how to handle clients that are distracted or otherwise indecisive (42:25)

Top resources from live event:

  1. Not ready for value-based pricing? That’s OK; try “value anchoring” in the meantime.
  2. Pricing philosophy? Here’s a summary of what I think about there.
  3. Retainer pros and cons.
  4. Most employees exhibit from an “employee mindset” (instead of your “owner mindset”).
  5. Client-side content delays might not be 100% your fault… but you can take steps to keep it from becoming a problem.

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