Time management, lead-gen, and biz dev: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from January 12, 2021

In the January 2021 episode of Agency Office Hours, we discuss time management, business development, account management, team structure, and more.

  1. TIME MANAGEMENT: What should you do when your time feels maxed-out as an agency leader? [starting at 2:19]
  2. LEAD-GEN: When you’ve grown via referral, how do you find higher-paying clients? [starting at 11:13]
  3. CLIENT EXCLUSIVITY: What should we do when a client doesn’t want us working with ANYONE in their industry, even if they’re not a direct competitor? [starting at 30:38]
  4. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: How should an agency structure the sales team, including roles and team size? [starting at 54:22]

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Read about Karl’s “Day-to-Day Involvement Meter”—including finding your current stage (Mandatory, Necessary, Needed, or Optional), and tips on how to improve your stage(s).
  2. Consider if you’re an Optimizer (weighing the ROI of your time) or a Maximizer (always chasing “more”).
  3. Here are dozens of ways to find sales leads.
  4. Think strategically about *agency* satisfaction, not just *client* satisfaction. (Four stages: Powerless, Overwhelmed, Confident, Valued.)
  5. Be strategic about sales hiring, including when to “unbundle” the role: Prospecting, Qualifying, Consulting, Scoping, Proposing, Closing, Onboarding, Supporting, and Managing.

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