Value-anchoring, roles, and accountability: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from February 9, 2021

In the February 2021 episode of Agency Office Hours with Karl Sakas, we discuss hiring, sales qualification, agency positioning, paid discovery, and more. Click below to “jump” to a specific segment:

  1. ROLES: Which role(s) should my agency hire next? [starting at 1:46]
  2. HIRING: How can we find our ideal next hire? [starting at 9:08]
  3. POSITIONING: Should an agency be a generalist or a specialist? [starting at 13:53]
  4. ACCOUNTABILITY: How can we use S.M.A.R.T. goals to delegate better? [starting at 28:41]
  5. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: How can we ‘vet’ sales leads without being obnoxious? [starting at 32:00]
  6. SALES QUALIFICATION: What can we ask prospects instead of ‘how much is your budget’? [starting at 39:27]
  7. PRICING: What’s the difference between Cost vs. Price vs. Value? [starting at 43:40]
  8. VALUE-ANCHORING: What if you can’t ‘guarantee’ specific results? [starting at 50:07]
  9. CHARGING MORE: What drives when clients will pay more for a low-odds win? [starting at 53:09]
  10. PAID DISCOVERY: How should we charge for Paid Discovery? [starting at 54:20]

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Doing a “Paid Discovery” engagement can help you get started faster… without making common mistakes.
  2. Here’s how to think about job titles.
  3. Here’s an intro to setting S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, and Time-Bound) at your agency.
  4. Consider how you’ll change team structure as you grow.
  5. Get clear on the six types of agency roles (AM, PM, SME, Strategist, BizDev, and Support), including ones you might delegate-out sooner.

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