Leadership, growth planning, and getting acquired: Agency Office Hours Q&A with Karl Sakas

Office Hours Recording from November 9, 2021

Get agency advice on business development, scaling, profitability, and more in the November 2021 episode of Agency Office Hours with Karl Sakas. Click the link below to “jump” directly to the Q&A segment:

  1. CLIENT C-SUITE: How do we get access to decisionmakers in the client C-suite? [starting at 3:23]
  2. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: How can we be sure we’re talking with the real decisionmakers during the sales process? [starting at 8:31]
  3. LEADERSHIP: How can I grow as an agency leader? [starting at 12:35]
  4. TEAM STRUCTURE: How can we structure the agency to scale? [starting at 13:37]
  5. EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT: How do we build client trust when we have a junior team? [starting at 16:58]
  6. SELF-MARKETING: How do we make time to market our own agency? [starting at 18:33]
  7. FUTURE-PREP: How do we reserve time to plan for our long-term goals? [starting at 23:58]
  8. GROWTH PLANNING: What 3 core factors should go into our annual revenue projections? [starting at 26:33]
  9. PROFITABILITY: How do we price client work to ensure agency-wide profitability? [starting at 33:00]
  10. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Why should we always assign work to the “Cheapest Competent Available Person”? [starting at 41:42]
  11. SELLING THE AGENCY: If we know we want to sell the agency, what should we do next? [starting at 47:32]
  12. GETTING ACQUIRED: Who might want to buy our agency? [starting at 50:25]
  13. EMPLOYEE BURNOUT: What should we do if we’re considering selling the agency to employees? [starting at 51:41]

Top resources from the live event:

  1. Start by understanding what CMOs (and other C-level leaders) care about.
  2. Be clear on what prospective clients want (and need).
  3. Consider the 3 agency pricing models: Hourly, Milestone, and Value-Based.
  4. Shift your team structure as you grow.
  5. Consider the right types of services to scale.

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