Book resources from Karl Sakas

The In-Demand Marketing Agency
How to Use Public Speaking to Become an Agency of Choice!

Together, these 8 templates can save you 20-50 hours of work

as you start—or expand—your speaking.


Speaker Agreement

Speaking Two Pager

Marketing Promo Template

Survey for audience


Event Prep Checklist

Speaking Plan

Speaker Kit

Favorite Tools & Other Resources

Be sure to modify your own copies to fit your needs, and seek professional advice as appropriate—I’m not a lawyer, and your mileage may vary (YMMV).

Want help applying this advice to your agency? Contact me for a free, confidential consulting estimate.

karl sakas headshot square 2022

About the Author

Karl Sakas has been working with agency owners since he first learned HTML in 1997: one of his first web design projects was for a marketing agency that needed a website.

Although he ultimately realized he wasn’t a designer, he loved working with marketing agencies. Agency owners tend to love marketing, design, or development—but running the business side of their agency doesn’t come naturally to them.

As a fourth-generation business owner, he grew up talking about client service and strategic planning. Earlier in his career, he quickly climbed the ranks at two agencies, serving as the owners’ right-hand and confidante while leading project management and becoming the head of business operations.

Today he brings 20+ years of consulting experience to his work with agencies, including working with more than 400 agencies in 36 countries (on every inhabited continent!). And he shares hundreds of free or low-cost resources, including articles and books about managing agencies.