From online to offline: Making new connections before INBOUND

From online to offline: Making new connections before INBOUND
Written by: Karl Sakas

Map of members in's Marketing Agencies group

Marketing agencies happy hour before INBOUND 2015Thanks to everyone who came out to my happy hour before INBOUND 2015! I really enjoyed meeting people from’s Marketing Agencies group.

We’ve grown to members from 750+ agencies in 48 countries (see the map above) since I founded the group last summer.

Tonight’s event in Boston had people from at least six countries and 12 U.S. states.

It was great to meet people in-person from the online community, and it was great to see all the new connections. I overheard people sharing tips, comparing notes on their work, and even setting up some cross-border agency mentoring.

Topics included finding clients, recruiting great team members, creating internal systems, convincing clients to spend more money, creating package options, avoiding giving away strategic advice, delegation, picking the right PM and time-tracking software, and agency positioning.

The place was eventually so packed, I don’t think I met everyone. Now that I know there’s definitely demand, I’m looking forward to organizing a similar event again next year!

We all need to connect with people like us—to talk about challenges and to see what’s normal for people in our situation. With tonight’s event, I’m glad I could create some new opportunities for everyone.

Agency Navigator Script Doc (Sakas & Company)

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